Thursday, April 8, 2010

Spring has definitely sprung!

Just a quick post to show you some of the bloom that is happening already here in Gettysburg, thanks to the gorgeous 80 degree weather we've been enjoying for the past week.

An article in the local paper quoted one of the commercial orchard owners as saying he's never in his life seen a spring in which the peach, apricot and apple trees were all blooming simultaneously. They are all running 3-4 weeks ahead of their normal bloom time.

Daffodils, tulips, hyacinth and forsythia are all blooming together, and the lilacs are racing to catch up! You can see the changes happening overnight.

Team Doubleday took a drive this morning to check out the redbud trees that are blooming all over the Battlefield. We got lucky and happened to catch the demolition crew attacking the bathroom facility and overhead power lines over at Devil's Den.

Enjoy the pics!