Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Summer Fun!

We're sure you can tell by our lack of posts these past few months that we are deep into the BUSY season here in Gettysburg! This has been our best summer yet, filled with so much history, fun and great folks.

June gave us the opportunity to host the "Lost Gettysburg" weekend in conjunction with the Cashtown Inn.

Licensed Battlefield Guides Rich Kohr and Tim Smith took us on a 10+ hour tramp of the Battlefield as we discovered out of the way places, examined historic photos to see the things that aren't there anymore, and learned some really cool info on quarry sites here on the Battlefield.

Did you know that many of the monument bases were quarried right here from "Gettysburg granite"? Once you know the markings to look for you will find this stone EVERYWHERE on the field!

The absolute highlight of the weekend was the Saturday morning walk onto the property of Mr. Dean Schultz. His historic home sits just off the Baltimore Pike and backs to "Lost Lane" or Neill Avenue, which is a land-locked portion of the National Military Park that few people get the opportunity to see.

Mr. Schultz generously spent more than three hours with our group. He not only showed us Lost Lane with its beautiful monuments and detailed Battle history, but also walked us along the south side of Rock Creek, up to the traces of McAllister's Mill, which has been documented as an Adams County stop on the Underground Railroad.

Mr. Schultz is simply an amazing historian. With his relaxed conversational style and seemingly limitless knowledge, we learned not only Battle history but information on the town of Gettysburg and her citizens of 1863, the geological and geographical features of the town that helped to frame its history, and the role of the area in the Underground Railroad complete with personalized accounts of the McAllister family. Everyone agreed it was simply a once-in-a-lifetime event and we all felt so privileged to be part of it. It will not soon be forgotten, and we are so grateful to Mr. Schultz for his time and for his continued dedication to land conservancy here in Adams County. He is truly a treasure!

In July, we had the distinct pleasure of collaborating with National Park Ranger Eric Campbell as he led the July 1st Battle of Gettysburg 146th Anniversary Walk on "The Attack & Defense of Oak Ridge".

Frequent readers/guests will recognize Eric's name because we talk about him often! He is our very favorite Park Ranger, and one of the first with whom we got to take a tour when we began visiting Gettysburg 15 years ago. Eric has such a passion for the history of this area, and does a tremendous amount of research to be able to share with visitors some very personal remembrances from the soldiers who fought here and their loved ones who remained at home.

Eric's tour began at the Eternal Light Peace Memorial and about two-thirds of the way through, the group (330 people strong, Gettysburg regimental strength!) stopped in the front yard of the Inn for some iced tea, lemonade and was nice to cool off in the shade. The tour continued down the side yard of the Inn, along the railroad tracks and finished in the railroad cut, where Eric read the dramatic account of the 16th Maine Regiment, charged with guarding the Union retreat at the end of July 1st and suffering great casualties in this unenviable position.

We got to see many familiar faces on this tour and met some new friends as well. We were very touched to receive a thank-you card from some folks in Maine who had attended, they were grateful for the chance to get cool and rehydrate and were nice enough to say so! That tickled us. We just really enjoyed getting to work with Eric and hopefully introducing some new folks to the excellent summer ranger programs that the Park offers each year.

We are looking forward to the season finale of the 2009 Battlefield Weekends here at the Inn, with "Pickett's Charge"on August 21/22 hosted by the incomparable Wayne Motts. We will be sure to post photos for those who are unable to attend.

We hope that you are all enjoying some summer fun of your own with your loved ones. Please keep in touch, and we hope to see you soon on the Battlefield.
