The hay was mowed a bit later than usual this year, owing to the cool and wet month of May that we had. The farmer should still get two cuts out of it though so we will get to watch it grow again through the next several months. I spoke to a native Gettysburgian who told me when she was growing up the kids referred to the finished hay bales as "loaves of bread", which I do think they look like sitting in the warm sun!
We are keeping busy as we head into the "dog days" of summer here in Gettysburg. Over July 25/26th we hosted our "Barksdale & the Peach Orchard" weekend in conjunction with our good friends at the Cashtown Inn. With two delicious meals, four knowledgeable Battlefield guides, two vans of enthusiastic guests and LOTS of cold drinks for the 9 hour+ tour on the field, we managed to have a heck of a good time! With the help of LBG Bob Baker we were able to get an exclusive private tour inside the historic Trostle Barn, which still features scars from the fighting of July 1863. Here is a pic of the famous cannon damage to the side of the barn, from both the outside and the inside. Interesting how the inner damage is more extensive, and also interesting that the Trostle's never felt the need to repair the hole as it simply allows for extra ventilation!
We want to send a very special "Thank You" to my parents Ken & Teresa, and also our friends Linda and Maureen for their help with logistics for the weekend. It is a lot of work to coordinate these events, but it is such a joy to share our love of the Battlefield with all of our dedicated guests who are willing to spend their free time and money learning about and preserving this incredible site.
Plans are well underway for our Day 3 weekend on November 7/8, "The Struggle for Culp's Hill" featuring LBG Sue Boardman. We can't wait! There are still a few spaces available so please call the Inn for further details, or sign up for our mailing list to get first priority notification for all new special events.
Hope you all are having a great summer and staying cool! Hope to see you all soon,